
If else condition:

Your batting average: 300
You hit the baseball at a high percentage!

If Else If Else condition:

The year is 2023; You are living 1 year in the past!


In my if else if else condition statement I created a function that takes in input year, and outputs different responses that tell if you are living in the past and how many years in the past, or living in the present. The outputs will change based on the input year.

PHP switch/case Example:

As an Administrator, you have full access to the system.

A switch/case statement can be useful when attempting to handle multiple user roles in an application. This allows you to provide an individual response to the user based on their pre-existing permissions

What are conditions?

Conditions in PHP are used to make decisions in your code on whether a statement is true or false. They allow you to execute certain pieces of code when specific conditions are met. Conditions in PHP are essential for making your programs more dynamic, which allows them to respond to different inputs and situations effectively.